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EasyJet — Ryanair Self Transfer Flight: Who Will Pay Compensation?

Have you booked a flight with easyJet AND Ryanair?

Let’s assume, you have. You have two flights. One of your flights is with easyJet, the other one is with Ryanair. What happens if you miss one of your flights due to delay of the previous one? Are you entitled to some sort of help from the airlines in this case? If yes, from which one of them? Can you get compensation from easyJet or Ryanair in such a situation?

In this example we use easyJet and Ryanair.

Rules are the same also with other airlines.

Self Transfer Flights: Definition

What does it mean to have a self transfer flight?

Self transfer is when you plan the connection yourself. It’s when you have booked two or more consecutive flights separately, under separate booking reference numbers. Self transfers are not protected by the airline/airlines, and the passengers are less protected than passengers travelling on an airline protected connecting flights. However, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t protected at all. You are. It’s just important to know when and what are you protected against.

Can’t you just book connecting flight with a budget airline? Budget airlines often don’t offer connecting flights like traditional airlines do. Low cost airlines usually don’t have codeshare agreements either. If you want to book a connecting flight with budget airlines, the only way is to book a self transfer. It can be with the same airline or two or more airlines.

Ryanair & EasyJet Self Transfer

You have booked two or more flights separately.

One of the flights is operated by Ryanair, and the other one — by easyJet. What will happen if you miss one of your flights due to delay or cancellation of the previous flight? 

1. Your First Flight Is Delayed or Cancelled

First things first, this transfer is your responsibility.

None of the airlines will be held responsible, if you miss anything.

All they are responsible for are their own flight. If you have booked two or more easyJet and Ryanair flights separately, combining them and making a connection, you are responsible for arriving in time for the next flight. You don’t have an airline protected connection. If your first flight is delayed or cancelled (doesn’t matter which airlines operates the flight), and you miss your next flight, none of the airlines are responsible for your missed connection. You have to deal with the consequences yourself. You have to book a new flight to your destination yourself.

However, there are situations when you can rely on the airline. If your first flight is cancelled last-minute (less than 14 days before departure) or delayed due to the airline’s fault, you may get compensation from the airline. Only for that particular flight, and only afterwards; you won’t get compensation for missed connection.

Read more: EasyJet Flight Delay Compensation, EasyJet Flight Cancellation Compensation (the same European laws apply to Ryanair as well)

2. Your Last Flight Is Delayed or Cancelled

It’s the best scenario of the two.

It’s less stressful, and you will get to your destination without losses. You don’t need to book a new flight. You don’t need to book yourself into a hotel. Your airline takes care of that.

Depending on the situation, you will have to:

  • Get a new ticket from the airline in case of flight cancellation;
  • Wait for your delayed flight in case of flight delay.

If you have to wait at the airport for 3 or more hours, you also have a right to care (see below). If the delay is very long, and you have to wait overnight, you are entitled to a free hotel stay and transfer to the hotel and back to the airport. 

If your flight is cancelled last-minute (less than 14 days before departure) or delayed due to the airline’s fault, you also may get compensation from the airline.

The same EU laws apply both to easyJet and Ryanair.

Young woman writing in a notebook
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

How to Protect Yourself Against Flight Disruptions?

How can you protect yourself agains flight disruptions?

Get travel insurance and make sure it covers flight disruptions. That’s one of the best ways you can protect yourself on self transfer flights. Make sure your insurance covers flight disruptions.

An insurance like this will compensate you for missed flights, unused hotel stays and bus/rail tickets, as well as enforced stays due to delay/cancellation of your flight. If one of your flights is delayed or cancelled last-minute due to the fault of the airline, you may be entitled to flight compensation. But, even in this case, your insurance will still come in handy. Insurance companies mostly deal with the issues immediately, whereas flight compensations are paid out a couple to several months later. This is why it’s recommended to buy insurance for every trip.

Right to Care

If you have to wait at the airport, often you have a right to care.

Even though you are not entitled to a missed connection compensation, and airlines don’t have to book you on another connecting flight, you have a right to receive care from the airline whose flight is cancelled or delayed. In this case it doesn’t even matter what’s the reason behind the disruption — if you have to wait for 3 or more hours for that flight, the airline has to take care of you. The airline has provide you with free meal. 

In case of an overnight delay — free hotel stay and transfer. 

It doesn’t apply to situations when you are waiting for a new flight. If you missed a connection, then bought a new flight, and now you are waiting for that flight, this is your responsibility.

If any of your flights is delayed or cancelled last-minute (less than 14 days before departure), and it has happened due to the fault of the airline, you may also get compensation. Remember, that in these situations you are entitled to both — right to receive care and compensation.

Read more: Right to Care (applies to both easyJet and Ryanair)

Featured photo by Wayne Jackson